Many PTSD symptoms prevent the feeling of pleasure, closeness, and trust. The numbness and/or irritability that develops can result in a lack of desire for touch or emotional connectivity of any kind, even with someone they know loves them. Your loved one is living with a mental health condition that, while manageable, poses significant challenges, so you may want to practice patience. Relationships and support networks are often an important part of recovery for any mental health condition, including PTSD.
While many of these symptoms may present challenges, remember, healing is possible. For example, some people may find it easy to brush off a hurtful comment and move on with their day. However, if you live with CPTSD, it may not be so simple for you.
Dating Someone with Complex PTSD: Healing and Growing With Your Partner
This might sound like a negative aspect, but it’s a testament to their dedication to the profession. Military families often accompany soldiers on deployment to military bases that aren’t located in war zones. This is something that is reserved for married couples and their families. Given the current state of world relations, military men and women are frequently called up for deployment because of the hostility and volatility seen in many parts of the world. There might not be a war taking place but there is certainly a need for the military to police certain regions.
The Role of the Betraying Partner as an Ally in Healing the Trauma
Loud noises and sudden changes in plans are some common triggers. It’s crucial to know that your partner cannot control their emotions. If they start distancing themselves, give them space but find ways to stay connected. They may start the generalize these thoughts until the point it impacts all aspects of life. They may have deep insecurities that others may not even realize was there. A person who doesn’t know how to manage their PTSD may have explosive outbursts.
Identify the other person’s triggers and work to minimize their exposure to them. For example, if loud noises or voices are a trigger, avoid leaving the television on. Strong relationships are important for everyone’s well-being, and negative relationships can make recovery from PTSD more difficult. It is vital for a partner to know that it is not a choice and not something that another person can cure. They have a distorted sense of reality about the trauma and may feel guilty or ashamed. They seem anxious or depressed, especially in ways that directly relate to the trauma.
My friend laughed and apologized for startling me, but also thought my reaction was hilarious. I went along with the comical nature of it, but it completely left me shaken for hours. One symptom of PTSD is hyper-vigilance, or being constantly aware of my surroundings to search for any potential threats. Startling me on purpose makes this symptom a whole lot worse.
Risk Factors
Encouraging your partner to join local PTSD support groups may make them feel a greater sense of connection and strengthen their support system. Remember to respect their emotions, thoughts, and reactions throughout the conversations. Coming across as judgemental, disgusted, or horrified may not help them build the trust and confidence to discuss their thoughts with you. It’s crucial to respect your partner’s boundaries if they’re uncomfortable discussing their triggers. Alternatively, you can learn about their triggers by actively observing their daily routine and how they respond to certain situations.
Some individuals may not want to talk about their trauma or they might not even realize that they have it. Therefore, if you suspect that they might have PTSD from a past relationship, keep an eye out for the indicators. Once your relationship gets more serious, then they will likely discuss the situation with you once they’re ready, but don’t force it out of them.
Other medications may be helpful for treating specific PTSD symptoms, such as sleep problems and nightmares. Multimedia NIMH videos and podcasts featuring science news, lecture series, meetings, seminars, and special events. Research Conducted at NIMH The Division of Intramural Research Programs is the internal research division of the NIMH. Over 40 research groups conduct basic neuroscience research and clinical investigations of mental illnesses, brain function, and behavior at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland.
In contrast, complex PTSD occurs from chronic exposure to multiple traumatic events. This will differ for everyone but may include working out, socializing, or catching up on your favorite shows. Taking care of your mental health may also involve reaching out to a licensed mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist.