Name – Abbreviation: CFAE SEIXAL CENTRO DE FORMACAO DE PROFESSORES DO SEIXAL – Escola Secundaria de Amora Address: RUA MARIO SACRAMENTO – Amora PT-Portugal, 2845-122, SEIXAL Telephone: 351212260593 Email: [email protected]
Name – Abbreviation: CONSORZIO C.E.S.A.F. S.c. Address: VIA STATALE, 119 IT-Italy, 12069, SANTA VITTORIA D’ALBA – CN Telephone: +39 172 479209 Email: [email protected], [email protected]
PROJECT TITLE: “PARTEA” PARENTS AND TEACHERS: PARTNERS IN INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE Project description Intercultural Education (1) should be a priority in a so diverse multicultural and multilingual Europe nowadays
2009 – PARTNERSHIP COMPENDIUM – Grundtvig partnerships Name – Abbreviation: Scientific Ass. of English State Schools Teachers of the Dodecanese Address: 1? ?????? ?????- ?.??????????? 11 GR-Greece, 85100, Rhodes Telephone: 302241028701 Email: [email protected]
However, several studies all over Europe reveal a poor and not effective intercultural dialogue among the members of the educational community, namely parents, schools and other organisations (2); a fact which is even more worrying when we deal with immigrant parents, where intercultural skills are truly needed in order to overcome the differences in cultural background between the homes of ethnic-minority-families and schools. A successful and efficient dialogue among all the members of the community is an essential means to improve the inclusion of minority parents, the parental support for ethnic minority pupils and also, their academic results. The PARTEA project (PARents and TEAchers) seeks to identify and develop innovative methods for enhancing the intercultural dialogue between minority parents and teachers, and between majority and minority parents in European countries; and then, to disseminate the findings and the good practice widely. The project wants to survey the European ‘state of art’ of the collaboration between minority parents and teachers, and arrange activities and dialogue meetings so as to improve the collaboration to the benefit of the minority children in the European educational system.Each of the eight partners, from a range of institutions in seven widely-spread countries, will establish contacts with parents, ethnic communities, schools and other relevant stakeholders of the local community in order to ensure national participation and ownership of the project. The local communities act as reflection partners and will be involved in the survey as well as in project activities and evaluation. The PARTEA partners will meet regularly throughout the project period and one of the last partner meetings will also include minority parents and teachers from each country. As our main emphasis is on process as well as on product.
These women associations aim at improving the quality of life of their members and their environment, improving sociocultural opportunities in areas with little or no offer
Name – Abbreviation: CENTRO DE PROFESORES DE ALMANSA Address: ARCIPRESTE DE HITA, 1 ES-Spain, 02640, ALMANSA Telephone: +34 967 344001 Email: [email protected] Partners
Name – Abbreviation: Horn Africa Ltd – (HAL) Address: 26 Cairns Street GB-United Kingdom, L8 2UW, LIVERPOOL Telephone: +44 151 7274953 Email: [email protected]
Name – Abbreviation: CENTRUL JUDETEAN DE RESURSE SI ASISTENTA EDUCATIONALA SUCEAVA Address: CALEA UNIRII Number 7-9 RO-Romania, 710018, SUCEAVA Telephone: +40230516098 Email: [email protected]
2009 – PARTNERSHIP COMPENDIUM – Grundtvig partnerships Name – Abbreviation: Refugees Into Jobs Address: 3-7 Lincoln Parade; Preston Road GB-United Kingdom, HA9 8UA, WEMBLEY Telephone: +44 020 8908 4433 Email: [email protected]
Name – Abbreviation: INEGOL PUBLIC EDUCATION CENTRE Address: Yenice Mah. Okul Sok. No. 6 TR-Turkey, 16400-INEGOL, BURSA Telephone: +902247151656 Email: [email protected]
PROJECT TITLE: AIRe Associations In Rural environments Project description The context of the organizations is the rural environment, context that in recent years has undergone changes in terms of economic orientation (from agriculture to other resources). The learning partnership will get in touch women associations of the rural environment from several European countries to analyze in a creative way how the fact of participating in an association has contributed to their personal, social and educational development.Together they will reflect on: – reasons and objectives of the association, activities carried out: what for and how they are organised, what roles people play in its design and development, how they influence personal lives;- how do the members profile develop after joining the association: in what do they improve, what do they give, what does it give them;- learnings: what knowledge they acquire, improve or develop and how they transfer and use in different situations -personal, social, educational, at work- personal, social and core skills developed. – how does its presence (of the local association) influence everyday life of a little village in the rural environment: what does it do, how is it appreciated.